I am a certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist.

The Grief Recovery Method was developed by John W. James. John and his wife and daughter were expecting a baby in 1977. When their baby died a few days after birth, John was devastated. He was not able to find the help he needed in dealing with his grief. Well-meaning medical people told him and his wife they were “lucky to have another child” or that they were “fortunate that they were young and could try again.” Well-meaning religious people didn’t do any better, telling them things like, “God just needed another little angel” or “God won’t give you any more than you can handle.”

Frustrated and still deep in grief, John began searching out what he wished had been available for him and his family - what he wished people had said (or not said) that may have helped him and his family recover from their own devastating loss. John had learned that it was a good and right thing for him to “be strong” for his grieving wife. She too held this misguided belief, and so while both were working hard to be strong for each other, they were not honest with each other about how much they hurt - how deep their grief was - and eventually their relationship ended in divorce, as many do after the loss of a child.

As John began to recover, other grievers began seeking him out to help them, too. At the urging of others, he wrote his thoughts and actions down and published the first edition of The Grief Recovery Handbook. He also began to teach others (initially funeral directors)The Grief Recovery Method and how to deliver these tools and help other grievers use them to achieve their own recovery.

The Grief Recovery Method has been taught and practiced for 40 years across six continents and has evolved to include these books and sessions: When Children Grieve (first published after the Columbine tragedy) and Grief Recovery for Pet Loss. In 2019 The Grief Recovery Method became the first evidence-based grief recovery program available.

Whether grief is caused by death, divorce, or another loss, incomplete relationships and unfinished business can have a lifelong negative impact on your capacity for happiness. Unresolved grief is almost always about things we wish we’d said or done differently, better, or more. It is also about the unrealized hopes, dreams and expectations we had for the relationship.

Recovery from loss is achieved by a series of small and correct choices made by the griever. As a Grief Recovery Method Specialist, my job, along with the The Grief Recovery Handbook, is to explain what those correct choices are, create a safe, confidential space for openness and honesty, and to guide you in taking tried and true actions that lead to your recovery and healing from loss.

If your heart (or health) is pleading with you to move from being a storage tank for your grief to becoming a grief processing plant, let’s get to work.


Grief is as unique as your fingerprint and every one of us is a griever. We’ve all lost someone or something.


Grief Recovery Method: Personal One-on-One Sessions

Grief Recovery Method: Group Sessions

Retreats for Women

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

For each of us as women, there is a deep place within, where hidden and growing our true spirit rises…within these deep places, each one holds an incredible reserve of creativity and power, of unexamined and unrecorded emotion and feeling. The woman’s place of power within each of us is neither white nor surface; it is dark, it is ancient, and it is deep. ~ Audre Lorde

We retreat to advance.

Making it a priority to get away to reflect, unwind, and reconnect with self and Spirit is a gift to yourself and those you love.

Retreats are held in offsite, natural settings that are close, affordable, and offer a healing and peaceful setting. They are also designed with making priorities of your comfort, safety, and health and wellness. Come away and uncover your sweet soul.


Whether it’s spiritual guidance or counseling one through life’s many transitions, Mary Katherine provides the skills, safety and support that shines a light on your path. Her wisdom, life journey and big heart are gifts to cherish.

— Viki L., Michigan Health & Human Services

MK is very engaging and comforting as a presenter. She opens meetings with a quirky topic outside of “manager training” that breaks the ice and transitions us into the training topic. She keeps learning sessions moving along in a very natural matter. I would rate MK a phenomenal presenter.

— Stacie, Senior Client Relations Specialist

I was a first time manager and inherited a challenging employee that unfortunately had years of uncorrected bad work habits. It was MK’s classes that gave me the self confidence to see that as a manager I was responsible to set up the employee for success and accountability. I developed a training program that was catered to the employee and asked very pointed questions to ensure optimal results. I also use these skills in my personal life with my children and have seen results.

– AnaMaria, Compliance Audit Team Manager

MK always has unique insights into situations and is always thinking about the big picture. Her skills in communications, PR, message platforms, ideation, advertising, marketing strategy and spiritual coaching and development have helped us in our business and have helped me personally.

- Dave Y., Vice President & Co-Owner, ARMOR

MK is a phenomenal presenter. She is engaging, interesting, and probably more importantly, relatable. She is sure to hold and keep interest and has a way of making you feel comfortable not only listening to her, but sharing with her as well. She’s funny and makes learning feel more like a warm, relaxed conversation than a cold presentation."

- Tasha B., Senior Manager, Default Support

The content MK provided in our sessions were beyond valuable to our continued success as the next generation leaders within the company. There were plenty of sessions where I had to process all of the content she presented by taking a dive deep into the subject. As a presenter, Mary Katherine is the BEST I have ever come in contact with. Even throughout all of my college studies, no one had a better way of presenting facts and opinions to a diverse group of individuals than Mary Katherine. She used graphs, charts, diagrams and analogies to help me understand the material she was providing.

- Patty P., Property & Loan Servicing Department

I invite you to contact me for service as a lifeline in the calm and the storm; a companion on your leadership journey.


The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.

— Plutarch